Friday, October 26, 2007

"Proper Girls"

I had the funniest post trip conversation with Sadie this week. I was asking her about what she had done while I was in NY, and she started telling me about a dinner while I was gone. She said that it was really gross and something she didn't want to eat. But Brian was telling her about having good manners and there was a special word for it but she couldn't remember what it was called...
It turns out the discussion was "proper girls". I was rolling on the kitchen floor--this from the dad who introduced burping and other behaviors that have spawned a whole other set of rules in the "you can do it at our kitchen table while Dad is around, but never in public!" category.
Since my return I have learned that "proper girls"
1) load their dishes in the dishwasher when they are finished
2) don't eat and get food all over their faces and clothes
3) eat the food in front of them
4) use good manners
5) help around the house
6) get ready for school by themselves
That's a pretty awesome list for just a few days...when can I leave again and come home to such well-mannered "proper girls"?!?


Becki said...

Oh that is so funny! Me and my roommate Katy were laughing so hard! I'll have to keep that in mind for when I have kids

lori said...

BOY! You are really on to something when you can get your 3 girls to do that list! I can't even get my HUSBAND to do that list! I really need some help! :)

Will Murdoch said...

That is so funny. Sadie told me the story of proper girls when I was driving her home the other day. I almost drove off the road laughing. I wonder if she could teach E. and C. how to be a proper girl.